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How do one know if he,or she has a brain injury?





















The leading causes of most brain injuries.

Slips and falls

Traffic accidents

Being struck by an object

Assault and battery

Sport competition

Bad or poison foods and drinks

Abuses relationships

Foods that's bad for the brain.
These foods causes memory loss, lack of focus,  emotional breakdowns as well as physcal changes, and accidents.

Sugary products    Artifical Sweets

Alcohol            Nicotine

Very salty foods   White rice

Trans fat          Egg-white

Processed foods    Mirowave popcorn

Saturated fat      Tuna- Mercury 

Hydrogenated oils  Some acids

Agave Nectar       Cookies/ Chips

Contaminated water toxic foods

Brain Injury Support Association Inc is offering brain injury awareness alert to everyone for the purpose of eliminating a lot of unexplained crimes, and violences in the USA. Not knowing if you have a brain injury and you are a alcoholic, or a heavy smoker while consuming drugs and not eating healthy will lead to every and any type of out of control actions.


 A child while out and about playing slips and fall hitting his, or her head on the pavement. He, or she is than treated with rubbing alcohol and bandage givened something unhealthy to eat and sent to bed, no knowing that the brain could be injuried, or damaged. Suddenly the grades are dropping, fighting everyday over petty issues, skipping school, hidding thing from parents, and not listening.



Symptoms of Brain injuries.

Dizziness, blurred vision, slow response, emotional disturbed, anger issues, difficulty in determining right from wrong,eating disorder, lack of focus, and concentration, memory loss, communication disorder,an addictions to drugs, and alcohol, physical abuse, disorderly conduct, unlimited playfulness, out of control sex addictions, gender issues, and emotional disorder. 

                 Just looking at these faces, are there any signs of a brain injury?
Ages from 1 to 13 is a crucial time in our childrens life.
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